Ok, to be honest, the fail was in regards to having pizza! I have an admission that I am a moderate planner/grocery shopper. I try to plan and grocery shop efficiently, but sometimes I slip up. Tonight, wasn't an exception. Yeah for giving myself grace, because I was truly geared to making pizza and using two of my pieces of cookery.
Instead, tonight we had enchiladas.
Que delicioso! I pulled out
three different beasts from the depths that I don't normally pull out: 1) a device highly-infomercialized in the 90's called the Turbo Cooker (which is basically a wok with a flat bottom and a domed, steam-vented lid), 2) my
Cuisinart Food Processor
, and 3) my new
. So, instead of the turbo cooker you could just use a stock pot (it needs to be deep), instead of the foot processor....a knife (or shredder),and instead of the Seal-a-meal you could simply use a plastic baggy.
I modified a version of a diet recipe I found once for the enchiladas. We also had broccoli (fresh-->boiled), tortillas and black-bean dip while the children had quesadillas. I'm s t u f f e d but happy to play with gadgets:)
Victory, day number 4.