Jan 11, 2011---Milk Day continued...Yogurt Promo

The dairy industry wants us to get our calcium!  I love it when I get things for free:)  So, it's a win-win when we get offers for free yogurt!  Got to http://www.yoplait.com/calcium and Yoplait will send you a coupon for a free yogurt!

Happy Milk Day!


Jan 11, 2011---Breakfast Smoothie

So, what do you do when you find berries on sale? Or do you ever venture out to a patch and come back with oodles of berries? Or do you grow your own?  I don't grow my own berries, but a few times of a year I find myself with a plethora of berries so I freeze them.  I started out by just freezing blueberries.  I had grandiose ideas every June to pick blueberries with my darling children and didn't know what to do with the extras after making everything blueberry, so I just froze them.  No cookie sheet and no additional muss or fuss, I just threw them in the freezer (ok, they were still in a bag not loosey goosey traipsing around the freezer).  Then I started freezing other berries and bananas (with the skin).  And now, in the dead of winter, I can have smoothies with berries!  My kids lap them up for the sweet (but healthy) treats they are!

Here's my Oh-So-Simple Smoothie Recipe. It takes 5 mins (or less) and uses one of my favorite love/hate appliances, the blender (the one in the pic is pretty sleek---maybe Santa will bring it to me next Christmas!)

1.  Berries---anything ya got
2.  Bananas
3. 1 container yogurt
4. Water

Prepare berries (wash 'em if you need to) and prepare banana (u n p e a l).  Put berries in blender. Add water.  Put on ice pulse function to chop 'em up a little.  When smooth enough to blend and not kill your blender motor, add banana and yogurt.  Insto presto breakfast o.

Add whole grain english muffin, toasted with peanut butter and banana slices for a yummy and quick, fast, and wholesome breakfast.

(ok, these have some leftover Cool Whip from the Heath Pie dolloped on top).

Jan 11, 2011---Milk Day continued...Milk Promo

So check this out!


Enter to win free milk for a year, and if you don't win, then you get runner-up prize....of a coupon!  I got a coupon for a free half gallon of chocolate milk with any gallon purchase.  No problem!  We drink 4 gallons of milk/week in this house!

Jan 11, 2011---Milk Day

Lap it up, it's Milk day!  Essential with a great plate
of hot chocolate chip cookies, I am going to use milk to soak my shrimp tonight.  As I don't live on the coast, I use this technique to make the shrimp taste fresher.  Soak for an hour before cooking and ...voila!  I'm finding that eating in isn't such a chore when I cook mah-velous food...and my family doesn't complain!  I cook for a picky crowd sometimes and it's disheartening when I hear growns; it makes me growl!  So enjoy it how you take it, because it does the body good---pass it on!
